Design selection
The artwork chosen for the sculptures on an art trail is hugely significant.
For The Short Tail Trail, we want every sculpture to look awe-inspiring, fascinating and colourful. We want people to be drawn to the sculptures, and to the trail.
Then, when the large sponsored sculptures all go to auction as works of art, we hope that they will each raise vital funds to support the ongoing work of Keech Hospice Care.
Over 200 designs were submitted by Artists for the hares and tortoises on The Short Tail Trail. Each design was inspired by something different – a connection with Luton or the surrounding area, the fable of The Hare and The Tortoise, or maybe something just for fun.
Working with the experienced team at Wild in Art, and with representatives of Keech Hospice Care and our Project Steering Group, we have shortlisted the designs – carefully choosing designs for their potential and for the message they convey.
On 8 January we are inviting our Partners and Sponsors of the trail to a special event, where they will get to view the shortlisted designs and to choose the one they would like to see on the sculpture they have sponsored.
Once the designs have been chosen, and the Artists confirmed, attention will turn to bringing the sculptures to life. Some of the artists will work in Luton and others further afield. We can’t wait to see the sculptures being painted and to share The Short Tail Trail with Luton next summer.
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